Fete Lifestyle Magazine September 2023 - Fall Fashion Issue | Page 33

Photo Credit Roxxie Blackham


ow do we become

everything that we

envision ourselves to

be? Sometimes figuring that out is more difficult than we thought, however these tips may help you get on the right track to becoming your best.

1.Follow your dreams and passions, do what makes you happy and sometimes that means trying something different. Work on getting things done now instead of waiting for another day.

2. Make goals and stick to them.

3.Treat yourself. Pamper. Relax, and enjoy.

4.Blow off the small stuff, try to not let things get you too wound up. Take a break in a quiet space to calm your emotions. That time out we use for our kids is the real deal.

5.Be present. Put down your phone and connect. Have meaningful conversations and enjoying each other’s company is crucial to being social. Play a game, hike, bike, or have an adventure to make memories.

6.Have things to look forward to. I always like to plan a little getaway, party, pampering service, dinner with friends etc. Looking forward to something

fun can make the daily grind of life seem easier.

7.Get help from others. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It takes a village, so don’t be too proud to ask for help. I have seen a counselor here and there for the last few years, she has helped me tremendously with my stress management, and helped me deal with some past life hurdles.

8.Open up. Talking to your significant other, family and friends could make you feel better. Also, when you let people know what you’re dealing with, they can provide a level of support. By staying silent you may lose that shoulder to cry on.

9.Know your worth and love yourself. Healthy self-esteem is critical for your mental health. Believing you are worthy and capable of great things is essential. Telling yourself and believing that you are a great

person in every way is critical to you being your best self.

10.Keep people around you that make you feel good. Surround yourself with like-minded people that make you a better person.

11.Being kind to others. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Giving back is also so rewarding and makes you appreciate your life and what you have.

12.Be positive. The half glass full kind of living. Life is much more enjoyable if you try to find the positive versus the negative in life. Smiling is an easy thing to do. The power of positivity is very powerful and can be contagious.