Test #1: The Labor Day Party
We headed to the suburbs and I wore the bag around my waist with shorts and a tank top. I wasn’t sure how to style it (Do I also wear a belt? Is it a belt?). I zipped in my phone and lip gloss and made my debut.
Results: It looked cute, but since I was there with the kids, out of habit I brought my trusty backpack, which I made my husband carry. I could have put my phone in the pocket of my shorts but then I ran the risk of dropping it in the toilet. Speaking of the potty, it was in the way when nature called although it did leave me hands free to eat and drink easily.
Outing Rating: 3 glasses of rosé out of 5
Test #2: First Day of School
I actually forgot the bag on the morning, which gives you some insight to how the day went, but I remembered it for afternoon pickup. As before, I just carried my phone, keys and lip gloss, and I jammed in two granola bars.
Results: I wore it over-the-shoulder
style with a pocketless dress, so
having a place for my phone was
handy. Without my wallet I was
guiltlessly able to refuse my kids
’ requests for ice cream from the
cart near the playground,
although I felt naked without
my backpack. Sensing the
lightness of my load, my
second grader was happy to
allow me to carry his
backpack home for him.
Outing Rating: 4 Glue Sticks
out of 5
Test #3: Grocery Store
This is was my most real-world test
of the Waist Belt and I started to see
the limitations. I brought only a single
credit card, my ID, my phone, and house
keys. I was frustrated when I looked for some place to put my sunglasses (they ended up on my head), and realized that I hadn’t brought any of my assorted reusable shopping bags (they live in my backpack so I won’t forget them).
Results: Walking home was easy without an extra gear weighing me down but I was irritated at having to pay for bags. I also forgot my headphones and I realized how many little, convenient things live in my trusty backpack.
Outing rating: 2 Gallons of Milk out of 5