Fete Lifestyle Magazine October 2022 - Best Of Issue | Page 34

Want to make a new relationship work?



Take it slow, don’t be too pushy to get into something serious. Let everything happen naturally and with time it will grow into a relationship if that is what it is meant to be. Have fun, enjoy each other’s company and in time it will organically happen.

Talk about what you want or need from a partner. For example, if someone wants to have a family and you don’t, then it should be discussed early on so you both know each other’s expectations. If someone does not want to marry and you do, then these are things that need to be discussed so everyone is on the same page. Bringing up deal breakers is important in the early stages of a new relationship.

Make sure you are exclusive before you take your relationship to the next level. No one wants to find out that the person you are dating is dating other people after you have already taken it to the next level. Make sure you are up front and open and ask if the two of you are exclusive. This way you know if and when you are comfortable taking your relationship to the next level.

Don’t be too needy. People are attracted to others' confidence and desperation is a real turn off. Don’t come off as having to need to hear from them constantly, see them all the time. People appreciate you having a life, hobbies, and other people that you also like to spend time with.

Photo Credit Simon Berger