Fete Lifestyle Magazine October 2021 - Best Of Issue | Page 36

Ann Jaimi Alexander is a Tamil Canadian educator and artist living in Vancouver, B.C. She is an avid traveller who has explored 39 countries in search of cultural identity and belonging. She is passionate about food, social justice, mental health and healing through the sharing of stories.

Ann Jaimi Alexander

Corey Minor Smith

Chrissy Gruninger

PP: Enrico, your character in the film has a back story of being a middle school teacher. Tell me about taking on that role and how maybe that resonated personally with you and whether or not it was based on a real character.

Enrico Natale (EN): When I spoke to David, I said we absolutely make this film, but I really want to play Ross. It was because I resonated with the character in a way that I felt like he was the voice of the audience, he was the feeling of what the audience is going through. I'll let David speak on this a little bit, but all the all the police officers were composites for many reasons.

DM: To fictionalize all of the officers we didn't use any real names or actual likenesses. We composited several of them. That being said, while entities of the officers are fictionalized the dialogue and the actions that the police officer characters take are all either lifted directly from the documentation that exists or inspired by the documentation.