By Chrissy Gruninger
n November
2016, a client of
mine, knowing
how much of a tree hugger I am, expressed how concerned she was for the United States.
“Chrissy, why aren’t you freaking out more? He’s going to destroy the forests.”
My reply:
“Well, we have been destroying forests since the Industrial Revolution so that’s not really a new problem – and people and organizations have been fighting to save the
forests for decades and they will continue to do so now.”
Also, thinking in my head:
Where have you been? AND
Thank God (or universe, Buddha, whomever…). People are finally waking up.
If there’s one thing that we can say about who the electoral college
chose for president in
2016, it’s that he has at least made people aware of, and uncomfortable with, all the problems that exist.
Of course, the problems he has brought to the forefront aren’t new. He has exacerbated them, no doubt, but he didn’t create (most of) them.
If we’re going to take anything away from the last 4 years and especially 2020, I hope it is this:
There is A LOT we don’t know.
There is A LOT we need to learn.
There is A LOT more we can do.