Fete Lifestyle Magazine October 2016 Patriotism Issue | Page 3

Honor, respect, loyalty, courage, and passion are just a few words that people may use to describe patriotism. But as we’ve seen over the last several months, patriotism can take on a different meaning to so many different people. Like most things in this world, when it comes to our likes and dislikes it’s all subjective. We’re all not going to ever agree on any one specific issue, which makes democracy great in most countries, because everyone is able to have an opinion. I remember someone saying to me that “If we both agree on everything all of the time then one of us is not necessary.” I believe it’s healthy and important to hear all perspectives, because it helps to promote diversity of thought. However, danger arrives when those that have a difference of opinion become hostile, discriminatory and violent against the “opposition”.

The United States presidential election has been one for the ages. The entire world is watching how it is unfolding, but not in a good way. Also there has been a lot of attention about athletes kneeling for our national anthem and the reviews are pretty much mixed when it comes to this topic. There have been strong opinions on Black Lives Matter versus All Lives Matter and whether or not transgender people can use the bathroom that they most identify with. At times it feels like we’re constantly at war with one another on something, but I believe in the end patriotic justice will prevail.

This month our contributors took on some controversial topics that I eluded to. We also have a few entertaining features for you to enjoy as it relates to film and music. Whether you agree or disagree with some of the articles that you read this month I hope that it sparks a healthy conversation within your inner circle. It’s perfectly okay to stay true to your patriotic beliefs, but it’s important to truly listen to others that may be on a different page. We all can learn something new from the other side. Enjoy FLM October and thank you for your continued support.



Fete Lifestyle Magazine