Fete Lifestyle Magazine October 2015 | Page 18

There are many four letter words that make us cringe, smirk or even smile. Body is one of them. It's complicated. It's spectacular when we are healthy and humbling when we are ailing. It conjures up so many different images in each of our minds--some might think of strong bodies or weaklings, others focus on flaws, and some people will dream of an unattainable photoshopped distorted view of reality. Whatever image comes to mind, I ask that you look in the mirror and smile. Now you might think I am crazy because we all have some part that makes us frown, but instead of focusing on what is not right, we need to embrace and celebrate what makes us look and feel beautiful. It might be your long perfect legs or luscious lips, but for many of us we look and we see wrinkles or imperfections. Be proud that you earned those wrinkles through hearty laughter or may have developed imperfections from lovingly bearing children. With everything that seems less than perfect, there is another, more positive side to see. That's the side we need to focus on. I say this as we all try to be our best selves and impart that on our children. If we want to raise kids with positive body images, we need to start by setting good examples ourselves. In fact, it's a great opportunity to embrace our individuality.


The four letter word

by Roopa Weber