Fete Lifestyle Magazine November 2023 - Food Issue | Page 3



Fete Lifestyle Magazine

Publisher's Note

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, then you know how I feel about food. There’s no better conversation to have with family, friends, and even strangers than to talk about food. Just last week I had a conversation with one of my friends about who’s bringing what to their house for Thanksgiving dinner. We talked about the dishes that our parents and grandparents typically made for the feast and specifically what our go to dishes are now as adults. I usually make mac-n-cheese and green bean casserole and he specializes in cornbread dressing (stuffing), but because his family is Jamaican, he also adds oxtails and red snapper to mix. Some folks may not like to stray from traditional Thanksgiving dishes, but I’m all for it and can’t wait to indulge!

That got me thinking about how we should approach a potluck dinner. Should we play it safe and only bring dishes that we think people are familiar with and will enjoy this holiday season? Or should we introduce our traditional cuisine that we grew up with? Are you disappointed when you take a dish to a potluck and no one touches it? What do you do to nudge folks to try your food? Well, my advice is to always chat with the host to gauge who’s coming to dinner first and to run ideas by them about the menu. Then proceed accordingly. I think it’s perfectly fine to bring something that allows folks to explore your culture’s traditional cuisine, but make sure to explain what it is and why it’s special. I think when people know more about what they’re eating they become even more excited to try. That said, what is your go to dish this holiday season? Are you a staunch traditionalist or are you open to changing up the menu? Send me your ideas and recipes ([email protected]) for a new potluck dish to consider and enjoy our November food issue.


Guess Who’s Bringing What to Dinner?

On the Cover: Martin Parsley, Daniel George, Gino Bartucci

Photo Credit: James Gustin

Location: Gino & Marty's Italian