Fete Lifestyle Magazine November 2023 - Food Issue | Page 107

Photo Credit Ryan Holloway

1.Look in the right places. You’re not going to meet anyone sitting on your couch, so get out there, go to functions and events, out with friends, dating apps, or use a matchmaker. If you don’t change your approach to meeting someone then things may never change.

2.Know what you want, be clear and honest with yourself and the other person about your

objectives and intentions. Have a clear understanding of what you are looking for in a relationship. This will help you avoid wasting time on someone that isn’t right for you. Be clear about your intentions with the person that you are dating to see if you are on the same page and if you should move forward with them.

3.Take your time and get to know this person. A good foundation starts with a solid bond and a friendship. The basis of a good relationship is commonality and a meaningful connection. Of course, there also needs to be attraction and sexual compatibility. Take your time and get to know them so you can form a strong bond with them.

4.Search for common ground and compatibility. You form a

bond through common

interests. Find things you both enjoy doing; activities, hobbies, passions, travel etc.

5.Meet their friends and family. You can tell a lot about a person by seeing who they surround themselves with. How they treat their friends and family and how they live their life will give you a clearer picture of who that person is and what they’re like in their element.

6.Adapt and compromise. Be willing to adapt and compromise when necessary. A successful long-term relationship requires flexibility and a willingness to meet each other halfway.

7.Discuss future plans. Talk about your future together and see if they align. You both should have a clear idea of where the relationship is headed.

8.Keep growing. Always work on yourself and your mental and physical wellbeing. A healthy, fulfilling relationship often comes from two people who are growing and evolving together.

9.Communication. Always communicate with your partner what you want and need. When issues arise, work on resolving them as a team. Healthy communication and problem solving is so important in building and maintaining a strong and healthy relationship.

10.Be Patient. Finding the right person for a serious relationship can take time. Don’t settle for someone that doesn’t work for you just to be in a relationship. You are worth it and deserve to meet the right person, not just any person.