In “8 steps to mindful eating”, Harvard Medical School gives tips on how to eat mindfully. Tip #5 provides, “When you're cooking, serving, and eating your food, be attentive to color, texture, aroma, and even the sounds different foods make as you prepare them. As you chew your food, try identifying all the ingredients, especially seasonings.”
Again, the key is that you are witnessing everything about whatever is in front of you. Starting this journey with food is a great entree (pun intended) into mindfulness in general and using these techniques will help you better deal with life’s many challenges. And you just might enjoy your meal a bit more while you’re at it. You can even try this with a friend or loved one.
For more on mindfulness, whether eating, sleeping or even communicating, plus other tools to support a healthy relationship with food, reduce stress and add more enjoyment in your life, check out, try one of the many great mindfulness apps, or download a free copy of Shawna’s new book.
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Anderson W Rangel
Photo Credit Christopher Willard