Fete Lifestyle Magazine November 2019 - Food Issue | Page 38

Tales from the front lines with a picky eater


You What You Eat?

By Heather Reid

f you like food, I probably like you. If I love you, I will feed you. It’s as simple and as complicated as all that. I’ve never understood people who didn’t care as much about this as I do. What else is there if you can’t talk about what to eat next while you’re eating something great? Nothing, there’s nothing better.

When my husband and I were dating, he wooed me with kindness, and I wooed him with homemade mac and cheese. When we had children, I assumed they would share our passion for all things edible, and I dreamed of teaching them about the world through various cuisines. I couldn’t wait to cook for my own family, as my grandmother did, as my parents did.