Fete Lifestyle Magazine November 2019 - Food Issue | Page 34


Sruthi Swaminathan is a Chicago-based neuroscience Ph.D and home chef who currently works as a freelance marketing consultant and food writer. She creates original content for her food blog, Kitchening Around, where she specializes in cooking healthy recipes with unexpected flavor combinations. In her spare time, she enjoys playing with her boys Mowgli and Zain, huffing and puffing her way through pilates at the gym, and solo trips with just a carry-on. She has lived in 9 cities across 5 countries and traveled to 6 continents. Her food and travel writing has appeared in Vamonde, Talking Cranes, and Udantya magazine.

End of Year Planning for 2020 Success

019 is coming to a close and maybe you’re scrambling to get things done. Some of you may have hard work deadlines to meet, projects to complete, or vacations to plan. Others may be focusing on the holidays, traveling to visit family, or searching for a career change. Bottom line is that there is plenty more to accomplish in 2019.

One thing for sure is that as this year is quickly creeping to an end, we should already be thinking about next year. What’s our plan? Goals? Focus? Many of us stroll into the new year without a plan, which means that you’re not set up for success. Maybe it’s because we don’t know how to plan or what to plan for, but in our opinion, preparation is key to success.