Fete Lifestyle Magazine November 2019 - Food Issue | Page 3


Family. Food. Fun. Did I say food? Those are three important things that drive me, but food may be my favorite topic to talk about other than family, and it is the glue that bonds us all together. I think everybody has raved at least once about a dish, or an amazing dining experience, or even a refreshing libation or cocktail. Food shows and cooking competitions are lighting up our TV screens and mobile devices and you can’t dine out anywhere without noticing someone taking a snapshot of their food. I think I became a “foodie” back in my early 20’s, although the term didn’t come into existence until my mid-thirties. When I moved to Chicago, I enjoyed the food scene so much that I eventually created and hosted my own food show called Game Time Dine (Season 3 coming soon!), which merged dining with professional athletes, because well, food and sports just go perfectly together. My love for food has rubbed off on our kids as well. My 7-year old can’t get enough of Food Network’s Kids Baking Championship and now he and his older brother have developed a sophisticated enough palate where they can certainly detect and describe certain flavors in dishes.

As popular as the food scene is today, it has also become slightly obnoxious and a bit arrogant. The cost of a meal can be downright ridiculous. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the experience, and the hard work, creativity and skill of a chef, but at the end of the day it’s just food that you will eventually rid of your body and replace with more food. Hopefully restaurateurs will become more conscious of their menu pricing so that dining out doesn’t become more of a luxury. And don’t even get me started on the cost of a cocktail. You will spend the same amount or more on drinks as you would on an appetizer and entrée. Crazy! But sometimes it’s a necessary evil that comes with the territory.

As the holidays approach, I hope we all think about those that are less fortunate than us. Those that won’t be able to sit down with friends and family to enjoy a hot meal and those that may not know where their next meal is coming from. Yes, food does bring us all together, so let’s not only celebrate and feast during the holiday season but be more generous and thoughtful on how we can help others do the same. Enjoy our FLM November food issue and Happy Thanksgiving!


Publisher's Note

Favorite Spot for Monkey Bread Kanela Breakfast Club

(Multiple Locations)

Best Cheeseburger

Small Cheval

(Multiple Locations)

Best Glass Noodles –

Duck Duck Goat

(Location: West Loop

857 West Fulton Market)

Fete Lifestyle Magazine