Fete Lifestyle Magazine November 2019 - Food Issue | Page 22

Daphne Ortiz is a freelance publicist covering clients in film, TV, sports, lifestyle, fashion, beauty, healthcare, and non-profits. She began her career at a tech PR firm working at some of the industry’s top celebrity PR firms. Ortiz was a member of the publicity team for New Line Cinema film studio and worked on films such as The Notebook and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King that swept the 2003 Academy Awards. In 2007, she decided to pursue a freelance career enabling her to work alongside former colleagues and various companies. Ortiz commutes between Chicago and Los Angeles and has offices in both cities.


Sruthi Swaminathan is a Chicago-based neuroscience Ph.D and home chef who currently works as a freelance marketing consultant and food writer. She creates original content for her food blog, Kitchening Around, where she specializes in cooking healthy recipes with unexpected flavor combinations. In her spare time, she enjoys playing with her boys Mowgli and Zain, huffing and puffing her way through pilates at the gym, and solo trips with just a carry-on. She has lived in 9 cities across 5 countries and traveled to 6 continents. Her food and travel writing has appeared in Vamonde, Talking Cranes, and Udantya magazine.


Always On the Red Carpet