This month we talk about food. As always, it’s never just as simple as what we put into our mouths. Instead, our diverse contributors share with you what nourishes them. Our film critic shares her hot list of films that dive deep into the food industry from how it’s made, to how it can be expertly curated. Our makeup expert gives tips on yummy eats that can help make you beautiful on the outside and not just taste good on your tongue. And of course, we think outside the box and discuss how to feed our souls as well as nourish our relationships. Whatever your relationship is with food, it does matter. Food is a necessary ingredient to our survival, a huge part of our economy, sometimes the bane of our healthy existence and often the glue that holds social and familial relationships together. So whether your own relationship with food is one of love-hate or indifference, FLM’s November issue has a little something for everyone to chew on.
Editors Note
Fete Lifestyle Magazine