Skincare tricks- Skincare is one of the most important steps to prep for your makeup routine. With winter coming around the corner, try this special mask to help nourish and hydrate the skin. Avocado masks are the best! Yummy avocados are very healthy, nutritious and my personal favorite “good” fat. For this mask, you just need 3 ingredients:
- 1 /2 soft avocado
- 2 Tbsp hot water
- 1 tsp of organic honey.
Mash the avocado with a fork, mix honey & water in and apply to the face. Leave on 10 to 15 minute and rinse off. This natural and chemical free mask sounds good enough to eat!
Makeup – When you hear the word makeup do you think about food? I surely never did until I came across these yummy ideas that I am excited to share with you. Grab some beets, coconut oil and cocoa powder for these natural, quick and easy additions to your makeup routine.
- Beets are a perfect lip and cheek stain. Simply boil the beets and use the juice (clean and strain first) directly on a sponge and apply, or you can slice the beets and use directly on the lips /cheeks. Just remember, beet juice dries quickly and really stains, so you have to do it quickly!
- Coconut oil - is great as a lip gloss all by itself. Just dip your finger into it and apply on the lips.
- Cocoa Powder - works amazing as a bronzer. I like to mix it with a little coconut oil and apply onto my face for a warmer, hydrated look.
Be a real foodie and dive into your refrigerator for more ways to enjoy you food.
"Love of Beauty is taste, The Creation of Beauty is Art" - Ralph Waldo Emerson