Fete Lifestyle Magazine May 2023 - Women's Issue | Page 67

Greene Hiller coaches them to cease simply arguing yes and no and to instead begin to explore the “why.” “This is true in any interpersonal conflict, we need to move beyond our hardest point of view and begin to explore and share the why of how we feel in order to forward the relationship, just as we must do so to forward the scene,” adds Greene Hiller.

Human beings have both cognition thinking and metacognition thinking, which is thinking about how we think. The key for a more optimistic mindset is to tap into your metacognition, if you have an anxious thought, explore the why, how did you come to this conclusion or fear. Improvising as a character you are entirely in a state of metacognition, there are two of you up there; the actor and the character you are creating. Both are responding to your scene partner, and you are examining your instinctual responses, while also thinking “what would my character do?” based on information you and your scene partner have just created about the character and the relationship between the two of you. This is a workout for your metacognition, training your brain to be aware while also remaining present in the moment.

The Laughing Academy is currently offering classes in adult improv, adult standup, kids summer day camps, and kids summer week camp in addition to evening “after hours” stand-up comedy shows.

All ages are welcome. For more information, visit www.thelaughingacademy.com.

Photo Credit Nicole Thomas