Ann Jaimi Alexander is a Tamil Canadian educator and artist living in Vancouver, B.C. She is an avid traveller who has explored 39 countries in search of cultural identity and belonging. She is passionate about food, social justice, mental health and healing through the sharing of stories.
Ann Jaimi Alexander
Corey Minor Smith
Chrissy Gruninger
Photo Credit Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona
Photo Credit Luis Melendez
My Biggest
Unsung Heroes
By Ladka Kurzrock
here are many
heroes out there
from different walks
of life. There are many books and articles written about them describing their life, their bravery, or success. There are interviews and Ted Talks sharing their recipes of success. Yes, these are the heroes we admire, who have influenced and inspired our lives.
Initially, I thought it would be easy writing about heroes. Many names came to my mind from the past and present. However, it took me a while to make up my mind. I started to think about heroes in a different context. I got inspired by people who are maybe not the obvious classical heroes at the first sight. These are the people who work relentlessly behind the scenes and hopefully our children will learn about them at school in the future. Here are my biggest unsung heroes of the pandemic: