As I read the article this month, which focused mainly on strong women and mothers and how they explore the challenges of how to be their best, I was reminded about the women in my life that inspire me. There is a common theme I see in women today. Despite major accomplishments, there is an underlying feeling of vulnerability and not quite being enough. Somehow, knowing we have this in common seemed to lessen the negative focus. It simply is part of our makeup and character that adds to the uniqueness of being women. Most importantly, it reminds me I am not alone on those days I feel a little less than. Women across the globe are mothering others quite successfully in so many ways. Whether their own personal offspring, a team of staff they manage at work or supporting the growth of friends and family as they face their own challenges. We are natural nurturers and often we feel we are simply not doing enough or not doing our best. Well, I am here to tell you that you are.
I attended a woman's retreat recently and with no exception, every woman expressed feelings of insecurity or regret or not measuring up. By sharing this with other women, we were all reminded we walk the same path and were comforted in our common struggle. Sometimes, simply knowing you are normal helps reduce those negative internal fears. My takeaway from the experience was that one key to feeling on the inside like the superwoman you project on the outside is to openly and honestly admit the ways in which you are struggling because your courage inspires courage in others. Less comparing and competing and more vulnerability and supportive uplifting gatherings are essential to your sanity. What you admire in others is often just a reflection of your own awesomeness. Believe.
Editor's Note
Fete Lifestyle Magazine
Fete Lifestyle Magazine
Michele Lomax