Artwork by Herb Gentry
Artwork by Shinique Smith
The worst part about being an art addict is when my D.C. dealer/pusher/art consultant hooks me with the latest and greatest “high” of recently sourced works. Okay so maybe the characterization of “addict” is an exaggeration and while tempting I would never actually sacrifice my financial well being, my daughter's education, nor risk sodium driven high blood pressure to make a purchase.
So why do I get so excited over art? Well, aside from the fact that it can be beautiful, I believe art has an important place in society. I respect its power because while at times wildly subjective, arts’ transcendental ability can serve as a formidable vehicle to help us make sense of a complex world. When I speak of art I am referring to all types, including performance, music, paint, sculpture, photography, literary and even food and fashion. I believe them all to be incredibly special and worthy of appreciation and preservation.
As an African American woman who primarily collects works by contemporary artists of color, I delight in the creative spirit of those who can force important conversations and nurture understanding through their unique voice or medium. I’m impressed by their ability to shed light on difficult subject matter where words alone are inadequate, fostering a connection to a particular story that some may either know all too well, want to know something about or maybe never cared to hear. A simple image, dance or poem can safely take you to places where you don’t think you belong and allow for the opportunity to just sit there for a minute and observe or if compelled, take action. In the end, there’s value in how art can teach lessons that open us to challenge or even change the way we think about our culture, the world and ourselves.
For me art is about adventure more than investment. When traveling I seek out the artistic secrets of a destination because it fosters learning about a people, place and culture. If I’m buying I don’t focus exclusively on the artist whose works could someday realize a financial windfall, as I don’t quite yet have that level of eye or luxury. Instead I seek out what I connect to, love and want to live with. My biggest fear is buying art solely as an investment and eventually hating it if it doesn’t “deliver” a return. I vowed 20 years ago to never be stuck living with anything I “strongly dislike” which suggests why I’m happily divorced…but that’s for another article.