en’s grooming is
BOOMING and the
market has hit its
all-time high! More and more men are stepping up their beauty routine with self-care being one of the most powerful trends today. Gone are the days of a plain bar of soap and water. Men must be more proactive because soap and water is sometimes just not enough and can also be a bit drying to the skin. There are so many amazing products that will help men look and feel your best. Trending now are sheet face masks, pore strips, under eye masks and much more that can all be done in the comfort of your own home. If you need a bit more than that, get a facial or Brotox!? (Botox). Looking and feeling good isn't self-importance: It's Self Respect!
Stay Handsome. Stay Beautiful.
Here is an easy-to-follow daily skincare and grooming routine that can help keep you on track.
1. CLEANSE- Wash your face daily with a face wash that works with your skin needs.
2. EXFOLIATE - Use a scrub at least once a week to get rid of dead skin cells, clogged pores and excess oil.
3. SHAVE- Keep your face, body, and everything in between well groomed.
4. TONE- Toner helps tighten pores, reduces fine lines, and brightens up your skin.
5. MOISTURIZE - Apply under-eye cream, face, body moisturizers and lip balm to help maintain youthful and healthy-looking skin.