he first thing that
stands out about
Stefan Holt when
you meet him is his
smile. A welcoming smile. The
handsome 6’3 news anchor for Chicago’s NBC 5 boasts a warm, confident, yet humble demeanor. His charisma is off the charts and his kindness is genuine.
I met Stefan many years
ago in Chicago, prior to
his move to New York,
and I was instantly
impressed with his
presence. He was
authentic and sincerely
engaged in our
conversation. I always
enjoy meeting and
talking with young
folks to learn about
their interests, goals
and aspirations, and
Stefan was one of
those young
professionals that I
kept my eye on as
he navigated through
his career. I learned
that his father was
Lester Holt, journalist
for NBC Nightly News,
which I thought was
pretty cool to see
him follow in his
dad’s footsteps. I
always heard great
things about Lester
during his time as an
anchor in the Windy
City, so I knew that
Stefan was chip off
the old block.
I knew that Stefan
had relocated to New
York and was reporting the news
there but was pleasantly surprised to see him back in
Chicago as an anchor a few years ago. The Chicago native grew
up in the Lincoln Park neighborhood and attended college at Pepperdine University in California. I discovered that he has a love for flying, a passion
passed down by his father, and is a huge fan of another sport that
does not involve a ball. Stefan is a dad himself and shares how his sense of fashion and style directly correlated to raising three boys. He’s thoroughly happy being back in the Windy City but is still motivated to take his career to the next level.