Fete Lifestyle Magazine March 2021 - Entertainment Issue | Page 68



By Lola Wright

Photo Credit Mwangi Gatheca

e are at an


moment in the

evolution of humanity. It may feel profoundly uncomfortable. We are each experiencing heartbreak in unique ways. Our heartbreak is necessary. We have been numbing out from the dis-ease of separation and suffering. We are starting to wake up. There’s a kind of sobriety that we are in the midst of. We are returning to our native state, our unaltered state.

You may wonder, waking up from what? Sober from what? What have we been altered by?

We’ve constructed ego identities based on our personal and collective narratives. Our identities have formed as a means of protecting ourselves. For generations we have been seduced into thinking that suffering is THE way. Our suffering loop is a delusion. We’re waking up to who we truly are.

I became a mother when I was eighteen. It was unexpected. It was scary. It was challenging. I navigated poverty, violence, and profound insecurity. I could feel the fear and concern of my community. I internalized that fear and for many years let it define me. I over-functioned in parenting and work to prove to my community that I would still “succeed.” That led to chronic dehydration and exhaustion. I was working against the threat of failure. I was working against the judgements and criticisms I felt.

the fear and concern of my community. I internalized that fear and for many years let it define me. I over-functioned in parenting and work to prove to my community that I would still “succeed.” That led to chronic dehydration and exhaustion. I was working against the threat of failure. I was working against the judgements and criticisms I felt.

At the age of twenty two I was introduced to mentor and friend, Michael Beckwith. Michael’s conviction served as a truth serum. He boldly and emphatically interrupted the inertia of my suffering and invited me into a vision of life. He suggested that I no longer needed to work against my circumstances. I began to sense that a life of peace, abundance, and joy was my most native state.

