Fete Lifestyle Magazine March 2017 Dynamic People, Places & Things | Page 55

There is no need to reach high for the stars. They are already within you. Just reach deep into yourself!” ~Unknown

You are an amazing and dynamic human being. Do you believe it? Your relationship with yourself colors everything from how you see others to how you love, interpret experiences and how you handle times of struggle. Are you the most interesting and amazing person you know? Most of us would probably answer no to that question. If you would like to say yes! Here are 5 tips to help you discover how amazing and dynamic you really are!

1. Allow yourself to listen. Sometimes you have to get quiet and listen to the still small voice of your own intuition. Where are you being nudged? I am inviting you to consider that there might be a higher self, or another part of you that exists in your subconscious mind that knows the way. This part of you really believes in you, fully accepts you, and is your greatest fan.

2. Changing, but not changing you. Life is seeking to have a freer, fuller more expansive version of itself through you. Be open to becoming more and more you. Get to know yourself in a new way. This can allow you to discover parts of you that maybe you never knew existed, but just needed some attention to come forth. What are some passions and desires you have?