Fete Lifestyle Magazine March 2015 | Page 49

IIn life, walking through fear and limitations is a big part of the journey to joy and happiness. Your life of moving towards joy will always be a dance between resting in your comfort zone, and stretching your limits. Our fear is usually what is holding us back from the greatest experiences, opportunities, relationships and moments we have been offered by the universe. If you wait for fear to go away, you may never start or miss the opportunity of whatever it is that you’re pursuing.

I’ve had many conversations with people about this topic over the years, and I hear the same justifications “But I’m afraid” or “What if I fail?” Fear is not an excuse for not doing something. We either move forward or we don’t. A little exercise you can practice when fear comes up is asking yourself “What do I have to gain?”

Even if you fail, there will ALWAYS be something good that comes out of you trying. You might gain more insight into your soul’s true-life mission, gain a new friend, become mentally or emotionally stronger, or learn something new. The possibilities are endless. But you won’t know until you try. Wouldn’t you rather go after what you want in life and get a no, than sit on the sidelines your entire life wondering what if…? Because among the no’s you’ll always receive a yes.

Moving through fear, like many of the steps toward joy, takes practice and discipline. The more we make little changes on a daily basis, the more we are prepared for big changes. Over time we learn that we won’t fall apart in the face of change, we can tolerate the unknown; even find it exciting and full of joy!

Walk through fear again and again and again…

By Christina Seeds