You have a harrowing story from leaving Vietnam as a child to arriving in America as a refugee with your family. Describe how that journey continues to play a role in who you are today.
The harrowing journey our family took as refugees serves as a constant reminder of how far we've come. It instilled in me, and undoubtedly my siblings, a deep appreciation for every day. Witnessing my parents' courage, their unwavering determination to secure a future for their children, inspires me beyond words.
While the American dream may not have been the sole motivator when we crammed onto that small fishing boat with 55 others, it certainly became a beacon of hope. Initially, it was about survival, about simply living another day. Vietnam, our homeland, held generations of history, a place where our family had lived for centuries. Leaving was a wrenching choice, a forced departure from the only home they knew.
Growing up, I was constantly reminded of our roots, encouraged never to forget our heritage. From the language we spoke to the traditions we practiced; our journey was an integral part of who we were. Now, as a father myself, I understand the importance of preserving this heritage, of passing it down to my children. Being a refugee from Vietnam isn't just a chapter in my past; it's woven into the fabric of my identity, even after four decades.