You will learn a lot about yourself – traveling solo makes you learn about yourself. Are you great with directions? How do you respond when things go wrong, and you have no one else to blame? Are you outgoing and independent or do you just think you are?
You will gain new comfort zones – at first things will seem uncomfortable, but you will get used to it, then wonder why you were uncomfortable with it to begin with. I would never go to a lounge by myself before I started traveling solo. Now I have no problem with it. I sit at the bar and usually talk with the bartender or whoever else is sitting at the bar.
You will meet more people – when you travel by yourself you meet and talk to people you normally wouldn’t because you are not talking with someone you are traveling with.
You will have amazing unplanned experiences – this goes along with talking to and meeting new people. When I was house/pet sitting for the first time, I was in Bath, England. I went out to a small pub to have a drink and a bite to eat. I was very uncomfortable at first. A girl at the bar sitting two seats away started talking with me. It turned out we were both from Canada and she had been living there 11 years. That night she brought me to a few different clubs that I never would have known about or went to if it was not for her and had a very good time.
You get to do whatever you want – there is no compromise when you are traveling solo. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want.
If you are unsure about a solo trip, try starting with one in your home country. A new city with lots of things to do is great and you won’t be overwhelmed with a different language, culture, lifestyle and everything else that comes along with new destinations. Enjoy!