Fete Lifestyle Magazine June 2019 - Travel Issue | Page 3


Fete Lifestyle Magazine

As a kid growing up in Ohio, we would take short trips during the summer that would find us driving to different parts of the state, hitting amusement parks or attending our annual Lancaster Family Reunion. One of my most memorable family trips was when we drove all the way to Toronto and on the way stopping to see Niagara Falls. The beauty and grandeur of the falls was captivating and watching the salmon swim upstream to spawn was fascinating. I remember that my Granny tagged along with is on that trip, which was even more fun, and I also remember something else that stuck in my head for a lifetime. We were all sitting outside on a bench talking and people watching when I noticed two young ladies chatting. I could clearly hear their conversation, but they were talking in a different language. I think it was the first time that I actually heard people communicating in a language I wasn’t familiar with and I was intrigued. That experience piqued my interest in learning more about other cultures and fuels my desire today to visit unfamiliar places.

Most people travel for business, leisure, or fun. I look at travel as a way to connect with others that are different from us and to learn new things that could help me grow as a person. I have some really close friends that have a misperception about Mexico, because they are only familiar with some of the bad things that the media tends to highlight. Their manufactured fears are causing them to miss out on cultural experiences that could also be an eye opener for them. Sometimes we must immerse ourselves in the unknown to truly see those that are different from us, which often results in being less judgmental and more understanding.

This summer take it upon yourself to step outside of your comfort zone when you travel. Try a strange dish, fly to a new country, or visit a small town that will allow you to see and experience the differences that make up this world. You may not only learn something new about other people, but about yourself too.


Publisher's Note