Fete Lifestyle Magazine June 2018 - Travel | Page 41

n June 15th I will be studying abroad in the Czech Republic. For the first time in my life I will be travelling alone to a country I have never been to and am going to be with people I have never met. To put it simply, I am terrified. But I know that the fear is temporary and it means I am broadening my horizons. It is the same fear and anxiety I had when I came to college, but soon I am about to graduate and it thus far has been the best three years of my life. I am trying to keep this in mind as I begin packing and preparing for what I’m sure is to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

When I came to college, I asked people what was important for me to know or to do that would help me to be successful? Most people said to study abroad. Studying abroad has gotten increasingly popular and at a school like the University of Alabama, it is greatly encouraged. As many people, including my parents, have said, travelling is crucial to having a better understanding of the world around you and have an increased tolerance of others. It is easy, especially for me, to get comfortable and complacent with my life, but I’m so young and there is so much I haven’t experienced yet. So although it may be more challenging for me to branch out and travel, it is something I find extremely important.