Fete Lifestyle Magazine June 2017 Travel Issue | Page 69

ith talk of trips and travel this month, I can’t help but think how our lives are a journey. How much time do you spend really designing your life's journey? The implications of not consciously designing your life, are serious. You wind up living life by default, NOT design. Would you leave your vacation up to chance? Most people plan a date, destination and means of arrival and return. You need these details so that you know what to pack, where to go, etc.

Where do you want your life’s journey to take you? What would you love? Maybe it involves starting a family with your soulmate, maybe it is starting that business that you’ve been wanting to start for awhile, whatever it is, if the desire is really within you and the thought of it makes you come alive, you CAN make it happen! Henry Ford said, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you are right.” Our life’s results, begin and end with what we believe.