Our company, The Gettys Group, brands and designs luxury hotels, resorts and casinos around the world (Peninsula Hong Kong, Metropol Moscow, The White House in Napa, Sands Macau, The Mayflower DC- to name a few). We are constantly evolving to not only create world class aesthetics but more importantly, we create experiences. Experiential design, driven by millennials, fosters exploration and creates unique and authentic experiences. AirBnB and their new “Live There” app and ad campaign further reinforces the desire to dive deep into a culture and locale, bypassing the predictable tourist routine.
Their new campaign really resonates with me and how I have endured all of the travel in my career. There is truly no better time than now to see the world and engage in each dynamic city or country in new and meaningful ways. In each new city or country I visit, I make a valiant effort to connect with its culture and the people closest to me.