Fete Lifestyle Magazine July 2023 - Sports & Fitness Issue | Page 45

Photo Credit Frank Alarcon

Get curious about the other person’s differences before throwing in the towel. Maybe you can learn something new or be open to letting them teach you something or take up a new hobby. We don’t always need to have every little thing in common with the other person.

If you are interested in seeing the person again, let them know you would like to them know or make tentative plans. See how they react to your interest. Saying goodbye could consist of a good, long hug or a little bit more depending on the situation. The main point is not to miss out on an opportunity to explore the relationship more. Who knows, they could possibly be your forever partner.

o, you finally decided to test

the dating site you joined 6

months ago. Now what?

Update your dating profile with great pictures. So many times, people use non flattering, poor-quality photos and selfies. Do yourself a favor and get dressed like you would on a date, put your phone on the timer, remove your hat and sunglasses, use good lighting and take 20 pictures in different locations.

Sometimes when we think too much into something and make it too big of a deal, it makes us nervous. Go on that first date, take it casual, have fun, and just get to know someone new.

Make eye contact. It’s very difficult to have a conversation when someone won’t look you in the eye. Really engage in what they are talking about and focus your energy on them.

Compliment your date a let them know you think they look better than their photos. Let them know you’re interested in a subtle way because everyone likes compliments.

Laugh, smile. giggle, be playful, lighthearted, fun and stay positive. Enjoy yourself and the company you’re with. A stone cold faced could be a huge turnoff. Smile, enjoy the conversation and show interest in what they are talking about.

Ask about their passions and what they do for work. Show interest in getting to know them better. Make sure the conversation isn’t one sided.