Fete Lifestyle Magazine July 2022 - Lifestyle Trends | Page 32






Photo Credit Natasha Hall

Understanding YOUR Money

ach month I

attempt to

give you a list

of items to put in your financial bucket that will empower you and enhance your lifestyle. Once again, we are coming to you with tools to improve your financial literacy and of course your Financial Lifestyle.

So, what does it mean to be Financially Literate?

In the simplest sense, financial literacy means understanding the topic of money and your personal finances. Financial literacy has two key layers. First, it is the confident understanding of concepts including budgeting, saving, investing and debt that leads to an overall sense of financial well-being and self-trust. Secondly, it is the ability to gain greater understanding of your finances so you can be the hero of your own financial narrative.

It can also have a significant impact on your future financial outcomes and lifestyle, including being financially secure in retirement.