Things that allow us to have fun and make life easier are what we are constantly seeking. I remember when remote controls, microwaves, and cell phones were introduced to us back in the day. Now we can DVR our favorite shows, allow our cars to drive themselves, and use our phones to turn lights on and off in our homes when we’re away. Yes, technology is awesome when it works and seems to be getting better and better. everyday.
In this month’s issue discover technology that could help us look better, drink better and eat better. We will also reminisce on how vinyl records became obsolete, learn how to balance tech life, and get to the bottom of the Pokemon Go phenomenon. Explore why too many selfies may be sending the wrong message and which movies to take in this summer. Finally, our cover story features tech CEO Eric Sheinkop. Read about what made him become an innovator and leader in the digital music industry and how his new company will help you shop better. I hope our July issue stimulates your inner geekiness and as always, thanks again for supporting FLM. Enjoy!
Fete Lifestyle Magazine