Fete Lifestyle Magazine July 2015 | Page 53

tribulations. Life is too short to waste time with people who are not

supportive. Instead, focus on how many beautiful people there are in the

world with those who will support you and be happy for you! In a

nutshell, I love sharing my "pearls" in life with those who see the beauty

in my success because of my journey getting there.

3. Release dragging anchors.

You will attract supportive people and opportunities into your life when

you free yourself up. Growing invokes change, yet change is difficult if

you drag anchors. So let go of anchors, negative relationships, stagnant

situations. You might be surprised by what you are capable of doing when you

feel light and free.

4. Put yourself out there.

Success can feel like it's written in the stars. But if you look back at the big picture, you will find that there were so many important steps taken to get you to

where you are. I think being in the right place at the right time is one of the most

important elements of succeeding in making dreams become reality, but the key is to get yourself out there so you have more opportunities to find yourself in the right place. Meeting people and getting to know them is essential to

personal success. Every step counts when running the marathon of life.

Eventually you will get to the finish line!

5. Take a leap of faith.

Most people believe that a leap of faith is leaping into the unknown.

But I believe that it's following your instinct. Your instinct is the voice

inside of you that always tries to guide you towards your dreams. Is it

really the unknown? Or is it listening to yourself and jumping without

reservation? The choice is yours.

It all starts with a dream, then I follow these rules and use my innate tools

to enhance my ability to make my dreams become reality. I believe that it

is my choice to let my dreams remain as dreams, or to act upon them. I am

grateful to live in a country, and to have wonderful family and friends,

that support and allow me the freedoms to act on my dreams.

Photo by Isaac Hall