Fete Lifestyle Magazine July 2015 | Page 35

Inner freedom is a state of mind. Often times, we look outside ourselves to identify oppressors, cast blame or even make valid sounding excuses for why we feel trapped. We look at the media, society, our culture and family, even the ghosts and fears of our shadow selves. And, while that is completely relevant, doing only that keeps us from focusing on the other side of the equation: that freedom is also an inside job. Inner freedom comes as a result of the conscious deprogramming, disowning, and disconnecting from the onslaught of negative messaging we receive.

1. The first step to setting yourself free is to become aware of all the places in your life that you’re really not free. Take a personal inventory- what is holding you back right now? Where does fear, limiting beliefs, cultural or societal expectations, or self criticism, rob you from feeling happy and free to create the life you desire?

2. The next step is to determine the “internal programming” that’s keeping you stuck; like being chained to the idea that you have to become a doctor or a lawyer, because that is what’s expected of you, or realizing that there’s a script that starts with “good girls don’t _______” that keeps playing in your head.

3. Another step is to start consciously declaring your own truths. “We hold these truths to be self evident…” Declare your independence from the beliefs that no longer serve you. Declare your alignment with the truths that inspire you. As an exercise, write down your own manifesto. The written word is a powerful thing- it gives form and power to thoughts and ideas. Declare your independence from the expectations your family put on you when you were a child, from the self criticism you internalized because your life isn’t like in the movies, from the voices of doubt that keep you playing small.

4. Finally, declare yourself free -- to love yourself wildly, to carve out your own path, to follow your heart. Sometimes just this simple declaration gives you the power to set yourself free.