Fete Lifestyle Magazine July 2015 | Page 22

I love being an American. Land of the free, home of the brave. There are so many reasons I love this country. There's the obvious...baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet. But there are plenty of other things that make living in this country a joy and a privilege. From the way we are free to express ourselves to the way we even get to overindulge in so many of life’s little pleasures.

Take music for example. You can choose from thousands of radio stations with hundreds of formats and genres. I’ve heard it said that, “Music is what feelings sound like,” and I for one think we have a right to express our own feelings! I’ve been a radio host for 34 years and nothing allows you to freely express yourself better than the perfect lyric. Sing it loud and sing it proud. From rock to country to an old patriotic tune and everything in between…MUSIC is one of our finest free forms of expression.

Then there’s the big gulp. My opinion - Best invention EVER. You'll never be thirsty in the U.S.A. We drink nearly 44 gallons of soda pop each year and what better delivery system than a giant 32 ounce cup that takes both hands to hold. By the way, that giant cup was almost banned, which inspired the "Million Big Gulp March" demonstration. But this is A-M-E-R-I-C-A and if we want a humongous sugar laden soft drink… then we can darn well have it!

If you've ever been to Europe then you absolutely must appreciate the American "furnished" kitchen. Yes, ours come WITH a refrigerator, WITH a stove, WITH an oven and most times WITH a dishwasher. And don't forget counter space. Yup we've got lots of that too. Living large in this country is the norm, and I for one am grateful. Even our large cars. Ok we've done a bit to lessen our carbon footprint in that area, but if you absolutely have to drive a monster Ford Excursion...then you can. It’s your right.

Big Gulp March" demonstration. But this is A-M-E-R-I-C-A and if we want a humongous sugar laden soft drink… then we can darn well have it!

If you've ever been to Europe then you absolutely must appreciate the American "furnished" kitchen. Yes, ours come WITH a refrigerator, WITH a stove, WITH an oven and most times WITH a dishwasher. And don't forget counter space. Yup we've got lots of that too. Living large in this country is the norm, and I for one am grateful. Even our large cars. Ok we've done a bit to lessen our carbon footprint in that area, but if you absolutely have to drive a monster Ford Excursion...then you can. It’s your right.