Last month, when gay marriage became legal in the United States, it was a big win for those in the gay community and for those who care about freedom. However, we must give attention to the fact that the freedom of equality and choice is something we should be born with, not be granted. Gay marriage is a very controversial subject because everyone holds a unique set of moral beliefs. However, the most important point of this article is that it doesn't matter what you or I believe. What matters is that we all have the freedom to believe and live however we choose, as long as we do not cause harm to another person. After all, isn't true freedom about tolerance?
The legal system limits our freedom to what it deems morally acceptable but history has proven that this isn't always in humanity's best interest. There was once a time when slavery was legal and accepted, a time when women could not vote and most recently a time when homosexuals weren't allowed to marry. It is common for people to equate morality with legality. However, because we all have different beliefs, the law often differs from our personal moral stances, and instead of being free to live how we choose, we are forced to obey a system that often lags far behind our moral evolution.
In response to this contrast, there is an idea gaining popularity with forward thinkers around the globe called Voluntaryism.