Fete Lifestyle Magazine January 2025 - Fresh Perspectives Issue | Page 67

Photo Credit Tim Arnold

trip to Telluride, which was one I’ll remember for a lifetime. I know my college kids will soon be out of the house and trips like these are going to become less and less. I’m grateful to hold onto more time spent with my kids who think their parents are pretty cool.

This past year rather than saying I was going to spend X amount of time with friends/family, I took the initiative to call or text when I saw an open timeline in my schedule. I call it the impromptu coffee date. I didn’t force a gathering out of a New Year’s resolution but did so when I had the time. I rid myself of the guilt that dictated to be a good friend I needed to do x y and z. My old me was stretched too thin from social obligations and I found comfort in knowing that it was ok to decline an invite, but still took delight in seeing my friend’s social media posts without having to be part of the event. No resolutions, just organically making friends and family a priority. And one last unexpected reward came towards the end of 2024. I randomly decided to reduce my phone time. Again, no specific goal, rather it was just a regular day that awoke my realization. I was out for dinner and saw quite a few people in a nice restaurant on their phone nearly the whole evening. There was a couple, a girl’s group, and what looked like a company dinner party. I told my husband “OMG, look around no one is enjoying their company or meal. They’re on their phone!” As I said that, I Instantly felt such an unattraction toward my device. I thought to myself, that is not the

look I want to project and yet often, it was exactly what I was projecting. Sometimes it takes

seeing someone else to own up to your own guilt. So, no resolution, just mindfulness, and I am definitely leavingthe phone away at a dinner table or in a social setting or conversation. I liked my phone way too much to make this a New Year’s resolution, but it was a specific moment that inspired me to change, and you know what I realized? I have more time than I thought.

So, what am I telling you? Rid yourself of New Year’s resolutions and look at the lessons and opportunities life naturally throw your way. They are out there, so be on the lookout. If you’re as lucky as I was in 2024, you’ll unintendedly

experience personal

growth from life and not

from the resolutions

you made at the start

of a new year.

Cheering you on!