Photo Credit Sule Makaroglu
t’s the new year and
we all know what
that means – new
goals and new resolutions. January makes it easy to be inspired to start a fresh BUT we all know how difficult it is to maintain long term. In fact, they say the second Friday in January is called “Quitter’s Day” – yes, the day in which most resolutions have flopped, and the gym once again is back to the regulars. So, what makes this year any different?
Just like when I provided way too many options for a dinner party at One Life Kitchen, I noticed I tend to start off way to BIG on a goal list. I wanted to change too much too quickly and hadn’t considered that slow and steady wins the race. Remember that first week of college – aka syllabus week? The week which leads to the most student stress as you see what lies ahead in the semester? Similar, we put a lot of goals and expectations on ourselves at the start of a new year that often leads to overwhelming sighs, and incomplete assignments.