If you think of your life in dot points… This wasn’t one I chose to have on my timeline but it was there nevertheless. I pushed on and worked toward the goal and actually landed my own local talk show in Chicago. It was an around the town show - we didn’t get deep, we kept the conversation light and people got to know ‘TV’ me.
It was 2011 when my dots connected. The old converged with the new and they formed what I would call the beautiful storyboard of my life. I finally realized that my challenging
gave me a
deeper sense
of empathy
for the career I
had chosen.
What if I
the old with
the new to create
something vital
that the television
world needed? A
safe space to share
stories that inspire
hope…. My new
beginning didn’t mean
deleting my past. On
the contrary, it actually
meant deciding for myself
that this new startline was
on my own terms and I could
take others with me.