Fete Lifestyle Magazine January 2024 - New Beginnings Issue | Page 67

Photo Credit Jovan Vasiljevic

appy New Year!

This is the

greeting that we

share each year ecstatically for as long as we can remember. Celebrating is a reminder that we have made it through 365 days of the previous year. This is truly something. If your 2023 was anything like mine, it was filled with highs and lows. Oftentimes, I was distracted from my goals. The end of the year is a time for self-reflection. I revisit my vision board I created and celebrate my accomplishments. I think about the ways that I have changed or stayed the same. Now that we are in 2024, I am looking forward to the infinite possibilities of what I can create.

For me, the new year symbolizes an opportunity to think about what I want. I have decided my new mantra is creating a better me. In creating a better vision for myself, my go to creative expression will be a vision board. The vision board is a simple yet powerful tool to imagine a bigger and better future for yourself. I gather magazines, art supplies, glue sticks, photos, and anything that will make my vision board vibrant. Next, I set the mood with my favorite music and then start creating. This activity is more than just a vision board, it is a ritual of getting clear about what I want and setting my intention to create the future that I desire. Here are 6 reasons why a vision board is a must do before the end of January.

Photo Credit Valentina Conde