devasted. I believe I went through all the stages of grief in the next few days. I felt my abandonment issues triggered. I felt sad. I genuinely respect and admire this person. I thought we’d be together until we both retired. Yet I understood her decision and her reasoning. I had to let her go and be free to pursue her dreams. She left my company way better than she found it and for that I will be forever grateful. We are vowing to each other this is not goodbye---just a different connected vibration. We will continue to be each other’s greatest cheerleaders!
This surprise departure, as hard as it is, has granted me the opportunity to explore my life to determine what is the structure I want for my business going forward. Where do I want to spend my time? What truly feeds my soul? With every hardship a new door opens. I am choosing to look to the light of this experience and use all the hard work I did on that special Sunday, alone with my thoughts, to indeed, embrace this new beginning. The future remains very bright.
Laurette Rondenet is President and CEO of Edlong Flavors, the host of Owning Your Legacy podcast, and a mother of five boys. Her podcast ranks in the top 10% of all podcasts on Apple where she invites other leaders to discuss the legacy they will leave behind.
Listen to the Owning Your Legacy podcast here.