Fete Lifestyle Magazine January 2022 - Lifestyle Issue | Page 41

A plant-based diet has many benefits. It’s a wonderful combination of many health benefits and at the same time it’s less harmful to our environment. The fact is that most of our food is not consumed by humans but used to raise animals. Unfortunately, even in the 21st century, one in nine people do not have access to enough food and over one billion people struggle to get access to any water source due the extended period of droughts caused by global warming. These are major factors that makes me think differently about food.

Our livestock needs enormous amounts of clean water. It takes 200 times more water to raise livestock than to raise plants. So practicing a plant-based diet contributes largely to water conservation and at the same time slows down deforestation of our trees, which are mainly chopped down to meet the global demand in beef and for the production of palm oil. And of course, it’s an ethically and cruelty free alternative, which makes my choice even easier.

Eating a plant-based diet helps burn stubborn fat, and it’s full of fibers, antioxidants, vitamins and overall easier to digest. It seems that people who are eating plant-based are less prone to suffer from heart attacks, diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure. There is even scientific research which claims that regular consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds and nuts can improve our sleep and mood. This diet is highly alkalizing and beneficial for our digestive system which is also considered the second brain of our body. When your digestion is in full swing, our mood improves, we feel lighter and more energetic.

Life is about making conscious choices and changes. Regularly eating better will be my small ecological footprint for our planet!

Photo Credit Brenda Godinez