any people make New Year Resolutions every year. Some people keep making the same one year after year after year. Usually within a few weeks or more likely with most, within a few days, they slip up and quit. I don’t understand why people wait until January 1st to make changes in their life. They then decide to make substantial changes all at once. First, this rarely works. Secondly, as soon as they slip or make a mistake they quit. People need to realize that change takes time, slip ups happen, and too many changes at once can be unsuccessful.
Many people, especially educators, have heard of and use the acronym KISS. It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid, which correlates to starting with simple steps (we tend to become stupid by over complicating things) when we are learning things for the first time. Just think, we learn to crawl before we walk and run before we jump. You had to learn to add and subtract before multiplying, dividing and doing fractions. Hence, why do people think they can change major portions of their lives in one day?
So, do you really want to make some changes for 2019? Well, there really are two things you must do.