Fete Lifestyle Magazine January 2017 New Beginnings Issue | Page 60

Think about how satisfied you are with your life, as it is today. Do you believe that life happens to you or do you create your life? If you want to set a resolution that lasts, you have to believe that you play a critical role in creating your life results.

The truth is, results can already be seen when you look at four different areas of your life,

health, relationships, career and time/money freedom. You can ask yourself a couple of questions to get a feel for how satisfied you are in each of these arenas.

What are your current health results? Are you really satisfied with your health and do you feel good in your body?

Relationship results? Are your relationships for the most part happy, supportive and connected? Career results? Are you in a career that is interesting to you and in which you perform & exceed? Time and money freedom results? Is your income and savings where you would like it to be? Do you have time to spend with the people that you love and for activities you enjoy?

Once you have an idea of your satisfaction level in each of the above categories, you can take a look at setting goals for 2017. Maybe you want to focus on one of these areas, maybe you want to set a goal in each of the four. In any event, be careful to avoid common pitfalls when setting your goals.