Photo Credit Icons8 Team
Good Communication is the Bridge Between Confusion and Clarity
Be present. Sounds easy, but you can’t be a good listener if your mind is elsewhere. In all conversations really be present, in the moment, listen and share yourself with your loved one. Be engaged and attentive, talk and ask about their day, share and ask about their highs and lows of the day as well. Truly let them see the whole you. Maintain eye contact and soak in their words and open yourself up to them.
Be honest about your needs. No one can read your mind, so you need to let someone know what you want and need from them. Let them know what’s important to you, if they aren’t doing something you need, be open and don’t hide things that are important to you.
Pick up the phone or speak to someone in person. Texting doesn’t always come off as the best way to communicate something that is important.
5 Communication Tips for a Healthy Relationship