Through community partnerships and programmatic services, CHIL aims to go beyond crisis care to provide each young person with a secure and stable foundation - one that will help them overcome the challenges of their past and build a bright future, free from the risk of homelessness. Today, CHIL youth have access to physical and mental health care, workforce training, rehabilitative services, and life skills workshops.
If anyone can attest to the success of that model, it’s Courtney Motley, who is proud to call herself an alum of Covenant House Michigan. After the unexpected death of her mother, Motley’s world was turned upside-down when the stability and structure of her childhood crumbled, and she found herself homeless. With resilience and determination, Motley walked through the doors of Covenant House Michigan, where she spent two years gaining the support needed to help her become a phlebotomist, purchase her first car, and rent her own apartment. It is a testament to the power of the community of Covenant House that, after achieving stability and independence, Motley stayed involved with CH Michigan as the resident representative on its Board of Directors until she moved to Chicago, where she now serves on the Associate Board of Covenant House Illinois.