Fete Lifestyle Magazine February 2018 - World Love | Page 3


Fete Lifestyle Magazine

We are truly living in challenging times. As we release our February issue focused on “LOVE”, it’s turning out to be a month filled with tragedy, evil and hate. The school shooting in Parkland, Florida is another reminder of how we should cherish each moment with our loved ones, especially our kids. It’s also a teachable moment for parents when it comes to communicating to our children about how and why such horrible things happen. How we should treat and help each other when the opportunity arises and to recognize the differences and challenges that everyone goes through.

The lack of love that we have for each other around the world breeds hate. It causes unexpected harm for thousands of us each day and gives birth to cynicism within our communities. We can point to several factors that could be the blame, but a lot of the world’s problems stems from racism and the unwillingness to accept the differences of others. Fortunately, there have been several positive movements born as a direct result of what’s taking place in this country, but unfortunately a lot of hate and anger is still being passed down to our younger generation. I don’t expect for everyone to hold hands and sing Kumbaya anytime soon, but as a world, country, and society, we need to all do better.

This month we tackle some difficult and controversial topics that people are sometimes uncomfortable discussing with one another. Our goal has always been to release relevant content that inspires, and I think February’s issue provides a look inside a world that will resonate with many.

On a lighter note, we glance at love when it comes to finding a mate, enhancing our lives, and helping our communities. We recap the Sundance Film Festival and walk you through the best movies to watch and behind the scenes moments on the red carpet. If you want to make your home more intimate, then we have the solution for you. Enjoy FLM February and continue to spread your love to others in need.


Publisher's Note