Fete Lifestyle Magazine February 2017 Love Issue | Page 45

Evil and hatred have always existed. At the same time love and goodness has always existed. They co-exist together harmoniously because one cannot exist without the other. Wishing for one to overcome the other is asking for an unbalanced world. It’s about finding balance to be at peace within yourself and allow others to do the same. You don’t have to change the world nor do you have to love everything in it, you just have to love yourself. When you love yourself you will find that you will attract more of that positive energy into your life and manifest more of it. Be at peace with these two opposing energies and decide to focus your thoughts on what you want to manifest.

Everyone in the universe is worthy of living a life filled with wonderful experiences! You are responsible for your life and since everything in the universe is abundant, you can do / have anything you want…. All you have to do is ask and you shall receive. Let’s do our part to create a world filled with abundant love by fine tuning the way we think. Thought is pure energy that manifests and solidifies into reality. Energy needs to be directed and you are the director of your thoughts. Which direction you go is your choice.